Past, Present Unite at Party in the Park

Photo by Mingzhu Zhu

Alumni enjoyed the performance at Selmo Park. The 2022 UCM “Feeling 22” Homecoming weekend ended with Party in the Park on Oct 15.

Written by Lauren Moyer, Staff Reporter

 Following the homecoming parade on Oct. 15th, several people joined the Alumni Foundation to tailgate at Party in the Park. There were several activities around the park for people to enjoy, celebrating the university spirit and rallying for the upcoming game.

   Tyler Habiger, a director of the Alumni Foundation, spoke about what went into the planning of Party in the Park. “We wanted to create an event where alumni, students, our community here in Warrensburg which is so strong and supportive, everybody, could come together and support the university and celebrate it every homecoming,” Habiger said. 

  With this new addition to University of Central Missouri’s annual homecoming week, there is a joining of the past and present of the university. Blake Busateri, a senior basketball player, helped the event. He enjoyed the food trucks and music while he was there.  

  “I think it would be cool to have an event kinda like this and have students come out and meet alumni,” Busateri said.

   The Alumni Foundation was the prime organizer, with the help from staff and other resources. Everyone worked together to create a fun tailgate for everyone to enjoy.

 “We are a very well-oiled machine and we are very fortunate to have a lot of incredible student workers that do a lot of this work,” Habiger said. 

   Travis Hume, coach for the Mule Riders, who are often present during many events such as football games, were leading the parade. 

  “We want to make Party in the Park as big as we can and get as many alumni back, and you know the mules are something everybody always wants to see,” Said Hume. “So if we can get everybody used to coming back to see the mules and knowing they can see them while they are at Party in the Park it is just going to grow year after year.” 

  In the future, the hopes are that homecoming weekend will be an opportunity to bring the entire community, present and past, to UCM together to celebrate.