Exploring Your Interests Leads to Being Genuinely Interesting
Photo by Lillian Tate
Illustration by Lillian Tate
February 2, 2022
With the start of the new year, resolutions are resurging. Naturally, goals such as attending the gym, eating healthier, going to bed earlier and meeting new people are on the top of many people’s lists. However, this year should call for embracing one’s authentic self.
2022 is the year of showing one’s true self. It’s time to stop letting social media influence how people present themselves. If it sounds like a challenge to ignore societal pressure, that’s because it is. However, it can be simpler than it sounds.
A great way to start is by engaging in a hobby tailored to one’s true interests and lifestyle, not whatever lifestyle they want to romanticize. Being interested in something generally leads to someone being more interesting as a person. It’s more enjoyable to talk with someone who is genuinely passionate about a subject, regardless of how strange, than someone who has the same hobby as everyone else because it’s more popular and socially-acceptable. Take renaissance festivals and live action role playing for example, although these activities are typically seen as a little out there by the majority, those who partake in it typically feel genuinely happy because they’re doing something they love. That passion for their craft is inspiring. That same concept goes for all hobbies, as long as the love for the craft is there.
Another important step to becoming a more interesting and authentic person, is to stop caring about the opinions of others. Interesting people wear what they want, listen to what they want and say how they feel. Eventually, unique individuals will capture the attention of other unique people, thus forming a fascinating group of friends. What better way to start the new year than by making new friends?
The final tip is to start reaching out more. People can tend to feel clingy or overbearing when they ask to join events or start new relationships. This fear hinders many opportunities and could cause individuals to miss out on things they otherwise would have really enjoyed. Not only is it an easy cycle to follow, but one that will make tons of memories. This 2022, focus on what sparks true happiness and feels the most comfortable.