By Madison Preston / Reporter
The University of Central Missouri Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble presented their show “Conflict and Resolution” Monday, Feb. 27, at Hendricks Hall.
The Symphonic Band performed three pieces, “Pageant,” “October” and “Americans We.” Wind Ensemble performed four pieces, “Fanfare For Full Fathom Five,” “Only Light,” “Conflict” and “Concerto For Clarinet and Bass Clarinet,” in which they were joined by UCM clarinet professor Elisabeth Stimpert and her duo partner Bill Kalinkos in the world premiere of the piece.
Anthony Pursell, Wind Ensemble director, said he hopes to continue improving the ensemble.
“Quite simply, my goals are to continue improving the ensemble’s proficiency and make every rehearsal and performance better than the last,” said Pursell
Conner Tipping, Symphonic Band director, said that he hopes to provide an experience to help students grow as independent musicians.
“We hope to provide an experience that pushes both music majors and non-majors to grow as independent musicians,” said Tipping.
He also said students have been working as a group and independently to learn their parts.
Aaron Weatherby, a freshman trumpet player in Symphonic Band, said he practices on his own in addition to bi-weekly Symphonic Band rehearsals.
“In addition to the rehearsals we have on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I practice the music on my own and go use the practice rooms over in Utt to run through material that I need to work on,” Weatherby said.
Solara Martin, a sophomore clarinet player in Wind Ensemble, said she enjoys being a part of the ensemble even though it is challenging.
“There is nothing better than sitting in a challenging ensemble and making music with some of your closest friends. It really means the world to me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” Martin said.
Holly Noneman, a sophomore horn player in Wind Ensemble, said she enjoys being involved with Wind Ensemble because she is passionate about music and teaching and enjoys working with her peers regularly.
She said she has a couple of goals for herself in Wind Ensemble.
“My goals as a member of Wind Ensemble is to always be a positive and influential contributing factor to the group, and to continue to learn about music and better my musicianship,” said Noneman.
Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble perform ‘Conflict and Resolution’
Written by Hope Gardner
March 6, 2018