A guide to navigating our new website:
The Muleskinner staff recently changed digitalBURG.com from the main website of the Muleskinner to the main portal of the University of Central Missouri’s Department of Communication’s three media platforms – Muleskinner for news, CentralTV for television and the Beat for radio.
digitalBURG is the landing page for all three of the sites. From the dB page, adjacent to the digitalBURG nameplate, there are three platform logos. Users can access the media platforms by clicking on the “C” that will direct you to CentralTV’s page; the “B” will take users to the Beat’s online radio stream; and the “M” will take you to the Muleskinner site.
We still produce the same type of content we have before: News, Lifestyle, Sports, Multimedia, Opinion and Obituaries – all, plus social media, can be found in the red main navigation menu. Additional changes include our weekly digitally published newspaper issue, and updated upcoming events, which can be found to the right of the content. We’re also improving the search engine optimization workflow with more accurate tagging. Tags are located to the left of articles to help readers find related content.
From any page on the site, users can navigate through two menus. The main category menu (the red one) and the secondary menu (the black one) below the feature image which guides you to pages for: Advertising, Events, Job Postings, Rentals and how to contact us.
Plus, the site is responsive, meaning the content adjusts to the screen – cellphone to 72-inch monitors – and anything in-between.
This responsive design improves accessibility for our readers. We’re no longer limited to stands because our stands are now in everyone’s hands or pockets. We’re not just the university paper, we’re the community newspaper; take advantage of that.
Our secondary menu provides information on how to advertise on our platform and send us your events. Tell us what’s on your mind by sending Letters to the Editor or story ideas to [email protected] or leave us constructive feedback in a comment on the site or Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @MuleskinnerUCM.
How to navigate digitalBURG.com
Written by Jacque Flanagan
September 26, 2017
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