Students are hard at work creating works of art in the annual Donation Creation event.
Sigma Kappa and Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) created a 2005 MIAA Champions baseball-themed creation from their donated goods.
The familiar Mule head can be seen in this creation.
Delta Chi and Delta Epsilon Iota created this Great MOments inspired creation.
Throughout the day the Union Mall was filled with students campaigning for their homecoming royalty candidates.
Tina Guier (yellow shirt), meets with potential voters and hands out cake pops hoping to win their votes.
Photo by Andrew Mather -
The ROTC Colorguard marches at the beginning of the 2013 UCM Homecoming Parade.
Photo by Andrew Mather -
UCM President Dr. Chuck Ambrose walks along the street while greeting and waving at those watching the parade.
Photo by Andrew Mather -
The sides of Holden street are packed with people, young and old, enjoying the sights.
Photo by Andrew Mather -
People watch as the parade comes down Holden Street.
Photo by Andrew Mather -
The Legion Riders fill the street with a sea of motorcycles and American Flags.
Attendees watch as the Warrensburg Fire Department parades by.
The UCM Marching Mules raise up school spirit while playing UCM favorites such as “Fight You Mighty Central Mules” as they march along.
Amie Dominiak rides the UCM mascot, Mancow Mule.
Scout Troop 673 members proudly bear American flags as they walk.
Parade goers watch as patriotic military vehicles drive along the parade route.
Warrensburg Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. and Henry County Amateur Radio Emergency Services display their float.
The float featured a tornado tearing through a home and even included a cow floating around the funnel.
Hair stylists from Pro Cuts hand out papers to parade goers.
The UCM Aviation float included an actual airplane.
UCM Aviation displays their float.
Warrensburg Cub Scout Pack 400 wave to parade attendees.
Chrysa Fuemmeler, a UCM student studying illustration, dresses as Robin on the UCM Queers & Allies and Animation Expression float.
A mass of multicolored flags makes its way down the street as the UCM International Student Organization (UCM ISO) participate in the parade.
The UCM International Student Organization fill the street with a sea of international flags from all over the world.
Warrensburg was busy with events last week as UCM celebrated homecoming.
The annual Donation Creation event took place on Tuesday, Oct. 22 outside the Student Union.
Participants competed to not only bring in the most donated canned/boxed goods, but also to have the most creative design built from the donated goods.
Sigma Sigma Sigma/Sigma Phi Epsilon claimed first placed in the competition. Sigma Kappa/Tau Kappa Epsilon received second, and Delta Zeta/Lambda Chi Alpha took third.
A total of 5,688 cans of food weighing 5,187 pounds were collected for the Warrensburg Food Center.
The homecoming parade on Saturday, Oct. 26 featured a wide array of floats and marchers.